I actually finished reading this a few weeks ago and though I found the characters a bit pretentious at the beginning by about half way through I became used to their foibles and had settled in to enjoy the story.
Naturally, I liked Mr George Knightley, he being the "hero" of the story and all, and thought it obvious that he was hopelessly in love with Emma. Even better, of course, that he loved her for her bad points as well as her good, and appreciated the growth in her character as she grew older (guided in a way by him as she was). Also, she was allowed to make mistakes and be disagreeable. It drives me crazy to see unhappy agreeable people (in books and life).
I also enjoyed the relationship between Emma and Mr Frank Churchill - a fine understanding of personality and character between these two. I think them both "deep" thinkers in their own way, hiding behind a mask or veneer of Georgian society. This is something perhaps that even Mr Gge. Knightley didn't quite understand and it helped show him in a more realistic rather than idealistic way.
I have a few more JA novels to read before I can pass judgement on whether Emma is her worst or not, but so far, it certainly has my tick of approval.
As I'm still waiting for Northanger Abbey to arrive at the book shop (I've now ordered it twice!), I have discovered the delight in reading Oscar Wilde's plays. I've seen Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Ernest on television, but haven't really read any of Wilde's works before. I started with Mrs Windemeyer's Fan (sorry if I spelled that wrong) and loved it! I also liked A woman of no importance, and of course, loved The Importance of Being Ernest. I've started The Picture of Dorian Gray now and am off to a good start.