Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Free Ebook finally ready!

I have put the final touches to my first free e-book - Plan to Write, Plan to Succeed. It's taken months to battle through the trenches of real life and all its demands. Now, I just have to figure out how to get it attached to this website!

Plan to Write is a collection of articles, some already published, some written exclusively for the ebook focussing on the importance of planning. Whether you're planning school or university writing assignments or the next great novel, you'll find a little something to give you reason to stop and think first.

Planning a Student Writing Assignment
Writing What You Know: Figuring Out What You Know
Turning Ideas Into Stories
Researching on the World Wide Web
Keeping Records I: Papertrails & Bibliographies
Keeping Records II: Using Excel to Keep Track of Your Work
What is Copyright?
Bio/Resource Boxes

If the e-book is not up yet, please email me at: and I'll send you a copy by return. Just put "Plan to Write" in the subject line.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Trish!

Congrats on finishing up your e-book!

I can't wait to read it!

Have a great day!

Sylvia C.